I have been really bad about posting lately. Things have just been so busy.
Work with the kids ended this past Thursday (thank God). We have bad days with them right up to the very last minute. We had one major restraint on Monday (took 3 of us to try to retsrain a kid and after 12 minutes of his fighting back, we had to release him). Then on the very last day of school there was a fight on the bus when one kid decided to squirt soy sasuce on another kid. The kid who got sauced jumped out of the back of the bus (emergency exit) and we had to have people go out and try to pick him up.
My graduate class ends this Thurday and holy crap do I have a ton of work to finish. I will be happy to have finished this class as it was one of the requirements I needed to finish my secondary science certificate, but I will be even more happy to finish so I don't have anymore papers to write.
Tony started a new job on Moanday (that was a typo but i think it should be the new monday, moan-day.). Unlike the old job (he was excavating and then building spec houses) this job is lots of finish work. They install cabinets in schools, banks, hospitals and also so finish work such as trim and mouldings. The pay is also a little bit better and he will have full benefits in a little over a month. The crappy part of the job (at least for me) is that a number of the jobs are far away. His current location is 2 hours away. His boss puts him up in a hotel so I have no Tony here on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. He comes home Thursday night after putting in 4 10 hour days.
My summer cleaning job officially started yesterday. It took me 27 hours of cleaning to get their houses in shape for their summer stay. I will be working there twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Summer school starts July 7th for the kids. My coworkers who didn't sign up to work it keep telling me how crazy I am for doing it. It is only 3 days a week for 6 weeks. I think I will survive, plus our administrator pays us and additional $3 an hour in the summer.
Well after a week straight of rain and thunderstorms the sun is finally out. I need need need to get the rest of the 'seedlings gone mad' out of my sunroom and into the gardens.Time to get busy in the yard. I will post more later with pictures.