Last weekend Tony and I did the quintessential opening of fall activity and went to the Fryeburg Fair. It was a perfect autumn morning, cold enough for 2 blankets, pjs and sweatshirts in the morning and hot coffee consumed in front of the heater.
We checked out the sheep and the goats, llamas, mini donkeys, giant cows, alpacas, chickens, and bunnies as well as the fiber barn as well as the other vendor boths. All in all I woud have to say it was a bit of a let down this year. I left the fiber barn empty handed which stunk because i was really excited to pick up some new stuff. the chickens and bunnies were less than impressive, any of our critters would have taken the blue ribbons compared what was there. My favorite livestock section, the alpaca barn, was so overcrowded with people that i had to get out after spening only a couple minutes looking around. I was impressed by the size of some of the cows there.
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