I have had years in the past when I thought...this is the worst year ever......I tell myself again and again when Januarys come that this will be my year. Somehow though, my hopes tend to unravel with each pressing month.
In 2000, my grandfather got sick, then passed away, my boyfriend at the time cheated on me, and I was failing several of my college classes. I nearly convinced myself to drop out of school that year and move back home. Instead I got a fake id, started going out to bars, and somehow managed to survive that semester.
I graduated college in 2004, a year late thanks to having to retake chemistry classes (due to my crappy grades from the semester I talked about above). I quit working at the little aquarium shop I had been at all though college and decided to open my own business. For whatever reason (probably fear of doing it alone) I asked a girl I barely knew, and whom knew very little about the industry if she wanted to go into business with me. In just a couple quick months we had opened out saltwater aquarium store in a basement shop on the waterfront of Portland. We did nearly $100,000 worth of sales in the first year, yet as a start up business we had little to show for it. We spent countless nights going to the bars straight after work and I barely had enough money to pay my rent every month. It was at one of those bars that I meet my husband. After meeting him I realized that I needed to make some changes. I quit smoking and drinking on March 22, 2005.
I think that this year probably takes the lead in bad years. Most of the challenges are things I don't feel comfortable posting to my blog, but it has been a year of heartbreak. I keep having this dream (nightmare) where I am drowning and just as I am about to reach the surface, I get sucked right back down to the bottom. That pretty much sums up this year. I do, however, think that I am surviving this year better than any of those other years, probably because they made me into a stronger person each time.
All that being said, it is time to move forward and make some changes once again. I am closing comments on this post because it was really only made as a means for me to vent a bit.
From here on out I will get back to my regular posting and start figuring out how to make next year a better year.