Thursday, November 12, 2009

Bumper Meat?!?!

Tony has been out hunting a few times this season with no luck. He did however stumble upon what he calls "bumper meat". Yes, thats right, I am married to a hillbilly. One who picks up road kill ("it was still warm!") off the side of the road and brings it home to butcher. Well, not our home, cause I wouldn't let him do it here. Regardless we now have lots of venison in the freezer. As long as I don't think about what I am eating, it is actually very good. Its also going to save us some money this winter on our grocery bills. Dinner tonight was venison stew.


Anonymous said...

Road Kill Cafe!

Anonymous said...

I'm at a loss for words...
But I did love the photos in your previous post.

Maggie's Farm said...

When Matt hit the deer I was wishing he brought it home to feed to the dogs. Sure would have helped my dog food bill and they would have loved it.