Thursday, September 16, 2010

The second week

Things are going well. After 2 weeks of having my mom stay with us to help out we are now on our own. Just having an extra set of hands around the house was amazing helpful. And all of her cooking and cleaning wasn't so bad either.

We are beginning to understand what Elijah needs when he cries... the majority of the time he is crying about gas. He is one gassy baby and gets really uncomfortable. It is hard for his mama to bear sometimes. We are trying some gas drops as recommended by his pediatrician to see if they help. Sleep is up and down. Sometimes he sleeps in 3-4 hours stretches, other nights he is up unless we are holding him.

More to come. I want to write out our birth story... but honestly don't remember all the details. I'll get Tony to help and will get my act together soon to get it written.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I hadn't been by in a while, so big surprise to me! Congratulations!! How very exciting for you both.

Anna said...

Thanks Ali!

Leanne Hammonds said...

Hi Anna,

Elijah looks so much like you! You can really see it in the close up picture of him in the green shirt. So precious:) Say hi to Tony and I hope you get some sleep tonight!


Anna said...

Thanks Leanne.

Hope you get to meet him soon.