From week7-9 naps have not been so great. You are taking a lot of short naps and don't really seem to want to stay asleep unless you are either laying on us on in the sling. During you first ,onto you easily fell asleep i your not so much.
You celebrated turning 2 months old by having some major meltdowns that day. Screaming at the top of your lungs like there was something seriously wrong... when I think all it was was an overtired baby girl. Regardless it was a long day for you and me both.
You continue to mostly hate the car....though I have found that swaddling you in the car seat seems to help a little bit. W also bought a sleep sheep to play some white noise for you....don't know if it helps or not. At 6 weeks old you made your first trip down to Connecticut to visit mamas family and celebrate Eli's third birthday. The ride down took about 6 hours....instead of the typical 4. I thnl we stopped 3 or 4 times. The ride home however was hellish, remiscient to your brothers first ride back hem from Connecticut. His ride took us 8 hours.... You topped that at 9. Papa rode in the back with you as mama felt like nothing she did back there helped you.
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