I am stressed out....... I can't kick this cold I have, I am worried about our finances (whats new), and frustrated with my job. I haven't been sleeping well which is very unlike me. Yesterday I slammed my finger in the door and then today I smashed it between two logs when I was carrying firewood in. I have a big blood blister now and feel like my fingertip is going to burst. Tony has been working up north a lot lately and I feel like I barely get to spend anytime with him when he is home. One of our tenants moved out without even telling us, so now we are once again cleaning up an apartment and trying to get it rented.
Ok, rant over. We got over a foot of snow this weekend. I ready to start thinking about putting together a seed order.
I need your address for the wedding present I have for you. How can I get it? Hang on, spring is on the way. Drink chamomile tea with honey and meditate yourself to sleep. Think of plants reaching up to the son, roots tunneling through the soil, etc. Sweet dreams....
Whoops, that's sun, not son. Well, maybe someday there will be a son - who knows???
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