Monday, February 23, 2009

Damn You Winter!

We got dumped on by this last storm. Woke up to two and a half feet of new snow. Add one more snowday on top of February Vacation. We also lost power for about 5 hours. I have been shoveling lots and lots of snow all day....


Anonymous said...

Amen, sister. I'm freakin' SICK of winter.

Maggie's Farm said...

Not too much we can do about the weather (except take Darwin's advice - move, adapt or die) but it has to give up in another two months. Makes for great pictures, though.

Maggie's Farm said...

How did you make out in this last "coastal storm?" Missed us entirely. Real cold and windy, though. Thanks for your kind words about my llama.

MamaHen said...

Woooweee! And we freaked about 2 inches we got on Sunday. ;D

Danni said...

OMG - I won't tell you that it's brilliantly sunny and 52 degrees here today. Wait - did I just say that out loud? ;-)
Hang in there!!

Anna said...

We lucked out with the last storm...if you could call it that.Only got 6" instead of the 12" they were predicting.

All I have to say is hmmppphh, Southerners.

I'll pretend I didn't read the 1st half and say thanks for the hang in there. I am doing all I can to do so.