Tuesday, October 31, 2006


October 31st-
Don't make fun of me. Yes, I have chickens, and rabbits, and yes i am knitting now, yes I live in Maine. It does not make me a hick, i still have all of my teeth.
Anyways, I knit a scarf for myself and then decided to learn how to make mittens for Tony. First attempt was too small and the seam was off. Second attempt came out pretty good though. Now I just need to make a second one to match it. I also got this purple merino mix but I dont know what to make yet. Maybe a hat but I need to get different needles to do that.

Here's the scarf and it's messy surroundings.

Better mitten, the seam is only a little crooked.

Don't know what to make, this is just practice.

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