The weather has been excellent for the last few days. So nice in fact I have a pretty sore sunburn on my back and arms. We have been busy trying to get the yard cleaned up and the gardens tilled. Only problem is our rototiller doesn't want to work and i am impatient. We need to bring it in to get repaired, but i have a feeling I will have hand turned everything by then. I've got close to 400lbs of cow, bunny, chicken manure and peat ready to add.Most of the seedling sare growing indorrs. I still have a few to plant.

So far we have snow peas, snap peas, spinach, parseley, basil, Roma & Steak tomotoes, lemon cucumbers, blue lake beans, cheroke yellow wax beans, and purple queen beans, carrots, chives, and lavender . I also have some potatoes that we never used that i think i will try to grow. I wanted to do pumpkins, but it might be too late. I also still want some squash and melons, asparagus, and lettuce.

front flower garden, yes that is still snow!

back flower garden, partially tilled

Side vegetable garden. I think i will do the root veggies here. There are already onions and chives growing here, as well as some mint i think, plus we will need to enclose this one to keep the chickens out (you can see the coup in the background).

Back vegetable garden. This garden is way back by the pond. We didn't touch it last summer so as you can see it is pretty over run with weeds (this is after i raked it). There were a few big rhubarbs here last summer as well as a stawberrry patch, so I will try to keep those.
I also need to clean up behin the garage. We have some blackberries growing wild there. I trying to learn how to cultivate them and would like to get them on a trellis. I saw some gold raspberries at lowes the other day that I would love to mix in with these blackberries.
1 comment:
Is that Moo Poo organic?!
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