Saturday, April 19, 2008

I got a sunburn today

Today ended up being much nicer than the weathermen predicted. It was sunny all day with temps right around 70. Tony and I managed to get the raised beds built and installed in the front vegetable garden. It required lots and lots of digging, but I am glad we did it.

We came across some big rocks, and this one in particular nearly killed us in our attempts to remove it.

Our other near death experience came when I decided that it was absolutely necessary for us to dig up the lilac and move it over about 3 feet because it was too off center.
All that is left is laying down some gravel or hay to fill in the paths, and adding the veggies. The rhubarb is already coming up, as well as the chives and shallots. Next to be planted in this garden are spinach, bok choy, cucumbers, onions, and some herbs. Then it is time to expand the back vegetable garden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK, this is the third time I've attempted to write a comment, but I doubt this will get through. Blogspot is lousy lately, letting "blam" come through and not legitimate comments. Anyway, I guess I'll just phone you to say "Nice work!!" and suggest you find another journal. Once again (or THRICE again)...Mama

P.S. Not that you'll ever receive this!