It's starting. Finally, but slowly the snow is beginning to melt. The chickens were out of the coop today. Our 3 hens and 2 roos. Yup, it's officially decided that the 2 chicks we hatched last summer are both roosters. Bummer, but we did just order some new chicks at the farmers union. 6 more hens on the way and 2 guinea hens. They should arrive in about a month.
The pond is starting to melt along it edges, but the snow everywhere else is still about 2 feet deep. For a while we could walk on the surface of it, but when you sank through you would be up to your knees.
I finally gave my girl bunny a hair cut. Her fur was the longest I have ever let it get. I normally don't let it go so long and am lucky i did it when i did, because she was just about to start matting up underneath.
SPAM (or for bloggers, "BLAM")on your blog now??!! What pains in the arse.
I see that you are getting guineas. They will eat all your ticks but you will need more than two to get rid of all your ticks. I have 6 of them here in Poland for that reason.
WOW crazy ! :) That is so much snow.....glad it's thawing out. You should have green lawns with all that water right?!
And OMG spam now on the Blogs? AGH our society AGH!
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